Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

My LUSH hiring experience!!!

Hey everyone!

This post is very special to me as it is about an experience I have recently made, which was going to a job interview for LUSH.

I had always been fond of the Lush shops, as they always smell good and are really colorful and fun. When I saw online that they were looking for a sales assistant, I immediatly contacted them via mail. A couple of days after I sent out my application, the head of the team of the shop I applied to called me and said that she would like to have an interview with me. So after that call I was obviously super excited and googled everything I could about the company, the hiring process and the products of Lush so that I would know what to say and to prepare myself.

The interview was about a week after I had gotten that call, and considering the Lush employees all wear black (and sometimes white) I decided to do so myself, just to show that I know all the facts about the job and that I was informed. So when I got into the Lush shop, I was greeted by the woman who had called me (she was super nice btw) and we went out of the shop and into a cafe that was right next to the shop (which were both in a mall) and we sat down and both ordered a glass of water. Then she simply started talking to me about the job and why I wanted to work for Lush. She also asked me about the days that I could work and when I would want to go on holiday. We then talked about the ethics of the company and how the team works together and that I would have somebody to supervise me on the first weeks. She also got a call from her boss during our interview where she said that she already had a girl in mind for the position (not me) and when she got off the phone she explained to me that there were actually 2 positions open, not only one, as I thought and that I shouldn't think that I was having the interview for nothing because nothing was decided yet (when she said that I obviously was very relieved as I had thought that she already had chosen somebody for the position and I got a bit sad about that, but everything was ok after all :D ).

After that, we had a little bit of small talk and then she asked me if I had any questions.
 Now I know that people ask you that on job interviews because they wanna know if you're interested in anything else about the company you're going to work for, so I asked her what her most favourite Lush products were, not only because I didn't just want to say no and then go home, but because I genuinely wanted to know. Because of that question my job interview lasted a good 15 minutes longer (bonus points for me because I actually got to show that I know some things about the company and that I'm a cool and fun person ;)) and I feel like I left a good impression.

After we had finished the interview, she told me to come back to the shop and get a few samples, so that I would have something to try out (and as a memory :P) and I got 4 samples:
a tiny hottie massage bar
a rub rub rub sample pot
a ultrabalm sample pot
and a little bit of the close to you massage bar

I still have all of those goodies and I like using them sometimes, even though I tend to forget I have them, but just smelling them in the bag makes me really happy.

Anyways, about a week after my interview (which I thought went really well), the lady I talked to told me that there were originally 2 jobs open, but they had already accepted someone and the second position wasn't gonna be released until may (the interview was in early april) so she told me that she would contact me again in about a month and she was sorry that I wasn't accepted immediatly, but if I wanted to, she would keep me in the records for the second positioning. I said yes to that and yesterday I got a call and I got accepted!!!!!!
Now I am an official Lush worker and I'm super excited that I finally got a job, especially such a cool one!!!!  *.*
Yay for me ;)

That's it for now,
I'll be back


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